Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Ma, I love you too!
Well the Holidays have come and gone and were pretty tiring to say the least. I feel badly that I haven't posted in such a long while but there just having been much time that isnt being dedicated ot the kids or one of us being sick unfortunetly. I have to say that I dont have much time to go into detail about how things have progressed so you will just have to trust the pictures. They say pictures are worth a thousand words but I think in our case they may be worth a million. It has been a lot of very hard work and is still in progress. That is a given but our daughter has changed in leaps and bounds. She is not the same little girl that we brought home and is much more in control of herself and her emotions at this point. She has worked really hard and has made changes as have we. It is really remarkable. She no longer attacks us at all. She does not hurt Landon every second she can and for the most part they are pretty inseperatable. She smiles most of the time, is really funny and very animated. Her English is really really good and she speaks in several word sentences unless she gets too excited or is trying to tell a story too quickly. She showes alot of affection to me and Landon and has made huge strides with Greg as well. A few days ago she came up to me for no reason, hugged me and said " Ma, I love you too". I held back a few tears on that one. Then the next day she came ot me and said " I love you daddy, a little bit" showin gme with her fingers how much she loved him. I told her that was a great start! It is amazing that she is so smart and can already tell us that its not all ther yet but its getting there. She really is an amazing little girl. She is doing great in school still and continues to get all A's. She has trouble reading sentences but can read the words she is learning and spell them. Her math is genius. This week she began to talk more about our meeting and describing how everyone reacted and who cried. This came after a few days of translating what some objects were from English to Chinese. I figured once she started to think about the language that emotions would follow. I think that is a good sign as it means she is really ready to move through it instead of blocking it all out.
WE began to see a realy change in her once she finally understood that she would not see Keelung Mommy and Daddy for Christmas, nor would she go to Taiwan or anyone come here from Taiwan. After expaling some things to her, and explaing that the money in her piggy bank wasnt enough to get her there, she seemed releived as if a weight had been lifted. I think she had to hold back thinking she would soon see them and betray their love. We have come a long way in a short amount of time. I could relaly go on and on. I know there is still a long way to go but we are more than happy with the progress we all have made. We feel like a manageable family now. It stil isnt easy but so much better. Thank you all for your prayers and blessings as they have helped get us through a time we could not see the light at all. In all honesty we wondered if our family would be able to stay in tact but we stuck together and are all doing great. Landon is so happy and aside of the regular, semi agressive sibling rivalry, is in total love and ahh of his sister. Hope you enjoy the pictures. I believe this may be our last public post to this blog before it goes to password protected so if you wish to continue to read please email me privetly.

WE began to see a realy change in her once she finally understood that she would not see Keelung Mommy and Daddy for Christmas, nor would she go to Taiwan or anyone come here from Taiwan. After expaling some things to her, and explaing that the money in her piggy bank wasnt enough to get her there, she seemed releived as if a weight had been lifted. I think she had to hold back thinking she would soon see them and betray their love. We have come a long way in a short amount of time. I could relaly go on and on. I know there is still a long way to go but we are more than happy with the progress we all have made. We feel like a manageable family now. It stil isnt easy but so much better. Thank you all for your prayers and blessings as they have helped get us through a time we could not see the light at all. In all honesty we wondered if our family would be able to stay in tact but we stuck together and are all doing great. Landon is so happy and aside of the regular, semi agressive sibling rivalry, is in total love and ahh of his sister. Hope you enjoy the pictures. I believe this may be our last public post to this blog before it goes to password protected so if you wish to continue to read please email me privetly.
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