Landon age 5 DOB 8/04

It's been tiring. Its been frustrating. Its been plane out exhausting most of the time but man have we come a very long way. Dr appointment after appointment and referral after referral we get closer to diagnosing and further treatment with Liberti. In the next few weeks I will begin to document the issues (for example: sensory integration disfunction, auditory processing disorder, PTSD, ODD, and possible mixed receptive-expressive language disorder or communication disorder) that we have been dealing with the past 2 years and what those evaluations, diagnoses and treatments are. If you have a bio or adopted child with any type of disabilities you can understand the work that goes into getting your child the best help you can so that they can become the most they can and get the most out of life reaching their fullest potential. Those that haven't experienced first hand, hopefully can empathize with us at least and learn a little too.
What lucky parents we are to have such beautiful children from Taiwan. Enjoy the pics and stay tuned for the upcoming updates.