Landon age 5 DOB 8/04

It's been tiring. Its been frustrating. Its been plane out exhausting most of the time but man have we come a very long way. Dr appointment after appointment and referral after referral we get closer to diagnosing and further treatment with Liberti. In the next few weeks I will begin to document the issues (for example: sensory integration disfunction, auditory processing disorder, PTSD, ODD, and possible mixed receptive-expressive language disorder or communication disorder) that we have been dealing with the past 2 years and what those evaluations, diagnoses and treatments are. If you have a bio or adopted child with any type of disabilities you can understand the work that goes into getting your child the best help you can so that they can become the most they can and get the most out of life reaching their fullest potential. Those that haven't experienced first hand, hopefully can empathize with us at least and learn a little too.
What lucky parents we are to have such beautiful children from Taiwan. Enjoy the pics and stay tuned for the upcoming updates.
Nicole, I couldn't believe you actually posted again! Thank you! I think about you and say a prayer from time to time. I am glad things are working towards working out. We are now home with our twointaiwan! Today has not been a good day and I'm thinking about how hard this is--but not so hard as you have had it. Great to see the pics of the kids. Can't believe how big Landon is. I will send a link to your blog to my daughter Annie, she will be happy to see the kids too.
Many blessings!
Wow Nicole, I can't believe how big Landon is either! It hardly seems possible! Both of your children are beautiful. Thanks for posting. Praying for you and Liberti as you try to help here reach her fullest potential
Nicole, So glad to hear from you! I can't beleive it's been 2 years. I have followed your journey since before you travelled. I am sure it seems like every day of 2 years to you. Thank you for sharing - for those of who have not travelled yet- we are thankful for your expertise and experience!!
So good to see you again. I wish you would post about the diagnosis and how you've gone about finding out. It would be helpful to some of us who struggle with deciding what is 'normal' and what needs attention.
The kids look great.
Hi, I need to introduce myself! My name is Gwen and we initially looked at adopting from Taiwan about two years ago, and I think I found your blog on a yahoo group. Can't remember now.
Anyway, we ended up switching to China (special needs) and have been home almost a year now with our daughter!
I followed your journey to Liberti, and am glad to see your new post! Sounds like there have been challenges, but also great progress. Thank you for your honesty and for sharing!
I've messaged you on FB, but had to tell you once again how great it is to hear from you. Looking forward to reading more about how you've grown as a family in the last year and the hurdles that you've crossed. I'm sure we have lots that we can learn from you.
can't believe i found your post! you may not remember me...i adopted chloe & emmi back in '05. BUT i wanted to let you know that we have dealt with sensory integration dysfunction (and other issues) w/ chloe. it was a LONG road b/c it began immediately (she was 11 months old) and we had no clue what was going on. just wanted you to know you are not alone. so good to see your post! allison in nc
Just wanted to introduce myself as just found your blog, we are parents of three and adopting from Taiwan. Can be found at We have a child w/ ADD, ODD, & Sensory Integration issues. The search for professional help is always difficult but that much more so when tired from the day to day needs of your child. I've so been there. Sounds like you are wonderful parents and I just wanted remind you to take your days one at a time when overwhelmed. Wish you well!
I am glad to hear that you are finding answers to many of your questions. She is so beautiful! Landon is getting so big! I miss seeing them.
Thanks for the update. I thought I'd check in on a whim and was happily surprised. It sounds like it's been very exhausting for your family lately. Day by day, step by step... You have my admiration and well wishes.
I'm glad to see forward progress - I think of you often. We've just got Harley an IEP at the school and began immediately after Christmas vacation (2 hours a day in a separate class/setting and 1 hour a day in-class with the ELL teacher). Please find me on Facebook ( - most of my updates and photos are on there now since it's easier than blogging with the busy schedule. Both kids and parents look fabulous!
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