YES YES YES! I know. Really I do. I wont, cant get into the details of the issues for being away so long but I can say we are all alive. In the mist of Liberti's 1st away trip. Up's, downs and all arounds in the past months and the continue but we have all come a long way. I am just going to add some photos because that is all anyone REALLY needs to see and know :) Liberti turned 7 June 4th and Landon turns 4 August 13th. Where does the time go??? Hmnn.
Great to see an update. . .Liberti looks wonderful and so do all of you. I hope things are going well with your family. Thanks for the photos!
Finally!!! I was starving for info on you guys and you were really beginning to worry me!!! Thank you for at least the pics. The kids and you guys look wonderful!!!
I'm so glad to see you guys are doing great! I've been trying to contact you. I have somethings I'm wondering if you can help me with.
So glad that you guys are okay! Your family looks great even though I know you have been through a whole bunch. The kids are adorable!
I'd about given up on an update. My Mom just asked me the other day how you were doing, and I said you hadn't updated your blog for a long time. I guess i better tell her she can come look now! Thanks for sharing! :) Liberti has such a beautiful smile. And I can't believe how tall Landon looks like he's getting. 4 years old. Wow.
Amazing and loving photos. Thank you for sharing them! Happy birthday to both of the kiddos...it was really great to see them. THANK YOU!
the photos bring happy tears to me.
both children look wonderful!
i will call soon.
Thanks for sharing the photos. It looks like the kids were having a lot of fun out and about. I hope you guys are doing well.
Oh,I am so excited to see the new pictures!! I have often wonder how all of you were and now I get to see the picts--yea!!
mama to Chloe
I thought I'd peek in and see how you are doing. I think of you often and really wish we had the chance to meet with you and the Dias Family while we were all in Taiwan. It's mind-boggling how fast the time has gone. Again, I just wanted to let you know I've been thinking of you. Ups, Downs and all-arounds are significant parts of my life, too. Hope all is well.
Take care, God Bless & Happy Easter!
Nancy Nicholson & Family
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